Monday, March 5, 2018

Graphic Card Prices are TOO HIGH

As any cryptocurrency miner would know, the prices of graphic cards is absolutely insane right now. With mining currently being profitable, more and more people are looking into building or expanding their own mining rig.

This has caused a huge shortage in graphics cards. When they come back in stock at somewhat reasonable prices, they are almost all sold out within 30 minutes.  It took me a couple months and a small premium to get the 10 graphics cards that I wanted to build my rig. My average price was about $300 per card, yet not too long ago, one could get their hands on great graphics cards in the $250-$300 range with out an issue.

For example, take a look at these outrageous prices currently listed on Newegg:

Almost everywhere I look, the graphics cards are either in stock for an outlandish price, or they are just out of stock entirely.

You can try your luck at the local Best Buy or electronics store but you probably won't find much of anything either.

Companies are also putting limits of how many you can buy. Which is usually one. This is in order to help gamers who rely on these graphics cards to run high end games. Nvidia has made an effort to favor gamers over miners. Which is fair. I'm sure gamers are much more upset of the prices than miners are.

One of two things will happen in the future to adjust for this shortage. Either demand goes down, most likely due to a drop in cryptocurrency prices, or production of graphics cards increases to meet the current demand of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Either way, it looks as if AMD, Nvidia, and second hand sellers are making a fortune right now. 

Here is a great article on Ethereum's effect on graphic card prices:,34928.html

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