Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Let's Talk About Charlie Lee

Charlie Lee has been playing a huge part in the cryptocurrency field for quite some time now.  He has a host of accomplishments and is generally well respected in the crypto community.

Charlie Lee is a former software engineer at Google and former director of engineering at the popular digital currency exchange Coinbase.

Most importantly, however, is Charlie Lee's success in creating the popular cryptocurrency known as Litecoin.

Litcoin is currently priced in the low $200 range with a market cap of $11.5 Billion and is the 5th largest cryptocurrency in terms of market cap.  Litecoin is also one of the oldest cryptocurrencies. It was released in 2011 when the cryptocurrency community was relatively small.

Obviously, Charlie Lee has done a lot to further the adoption of cryptocurrency.  However, he is not without scrutiny.

Charlie Lee sold all of his holdings in Litecoin this past December.  He also sold a portion while it was reaching all time high price levels of around $350 per coin.  Here is Lee explaining when he sold:

Charlie Lee has often been accused of manipulating the price of Litecoin through his tweets and public appearances. Furthermore, a lot of investors lost trust in the Litecoin project when the founder of the coin sold all of his stake. Not to long after Charlie Lee announced that he sold all of his coins, Litecoin lost half its value.

Lee also claimed that after he sold, he donated all of the profit to charity.  This is hard to verify, but if true, is very commendable of Lee.

All in all, I believe Charlie to be a positive force within the cryptocurrency community.  I hope he does not stray away too far from the Litecoin project or crypto community.

Here is a link directly to Lee's announcement on Reddit:

Here is a brief bio on Charlie Lee:

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